Due to the high level of interest in land trust walks on Thanksgiving weekend, please assist us in planning for these walks, by changing your Facebook status to ‘going’ as soon as your plans to attend are set. Thank you! Rhode Island Land Trusts
It’s the Friday after Thanksgiving and all of the food has been eaten – what is there to do next? How about a walk at Grills Preserve with the Westerly Land Trust? This walk on WLT’s 500-acre preserve is over primarily flat terrain often along the Pawcatuck River on clear, wide trails. There is a gorgeous scenic view from the top of aptly named, Big Hill, which requires a bit of steep climbing.
Questions? You may call the Land Trust at: (401) 315-2610. To learn more visit: http://westerlylandtrust.org/event/turkey-trot-at-grills-preserve or visit ExploreRI: http://www.exploreri.org/gSiteReport2.php?siteID=5&src=siteList
Directions: The Preserve parking lot is on the left at the end of Bowling Lane, which is off Main Street in Bradford, which is off Route 91 just south of the bridge over the Pawcatuck River into Hopkinton.Meet at the parking lot at the cul-de-sac end off Bowling Lane in Bradford Village. Coordinates: 41° 23.995′ N 71° 45.55′ W
Inclement weather cancels and if in doubt, contact leader.
If the weather is icy you should bring stabilizers or something for traction. If a lot of snow bring snowshoes.
In State Management areas everyone is required to wear 200 square inches of solid daylight fluorescent orange from the second Saturday in September to the last day of February and the last Thursday in April to the last day in May, annually. However, 500 sq. inch by all hunters (including archers) and all users of management areas and undeveloped state parks during all portions of shotgun deer seasons.