It’s the Friday after Thanksgiving and all of the food has been eaten – what is there to do next? How about a walk at Riverwood Preserve? This property is part of the Westerly Land Trust’s Pawcatuck River Corridor Initiative. It consists of 148 acres of woodland, rocky ridges and freshwater wetlands adjacent to the Pawcatuck River and the Boy Scout Camp. It has interesting quarry remnants, river views, and descent through a beautiful gorge. Some climbing in rocky areas may be involved as the best views are from the higher elevations.
Location and Parking: Meet on Old Hopkinton Road at the end of Boy Scout Drive. Carpooling is recommended as parking is tight.
For more information or questions: Contact Walk Leader Sally Hanson, 401-348-9109 (preferred #), 401-932-5295 (cell), and email: