What is a Land Trust?

A land trust is an organization that works with willing landowners to permanently conserve the land they love for public benefit. In Rhode Island most land trusts are private, non-profit 501(c)3 organizations. Other land trusts are affiliated with municipal government and are created by state legislation or municipal charter or ordinance. Land trusts agree to permanently steward and defend the land and conservation easements they hold. Rhode Island has over 45 land trusts including 18 municipal land trusts.

Land Trust Trails

Go to ExploreRI.org for directions, trails maps and other information on the trails created and maintained by many of these land trusts. They are some of the best walking trails in Rhode Island, on beautiful landscapes protected by land trusts.

Land Trusts in Rhode Island

Map of Land Trusts

These land trusts are those dedicated to land preservation. There are several additional land trusts in Rhode Island (not shown in this list) which focus on the creation and retention of affordable housing.