Baseline Documentation

Baseline Documentation

Baseline Documentation
The CSC protocol is a standard protocol for documenting conservation values with a Baseline Documentation Report on protected land in RI. Download current protocol from the Rhode Island Conservation Stewardship Collaborative.
- Video – RI Land Trust Council Workshop by Carol Lynn Trocki on Preparing Baseline Documentation (website)
Sources: Land Trust Alliance, Rhode Island Land Trust Council - Workshop Handouts by Carol Lynn Trocki on Preparing Baseline Documentation (PDF 1) (PDF 2)
Sources: Land Trust Alliance, Rhode Island Land Trust Council - Rhode Island Ecological Communities Classification Guide (PDF)
Source: Rhode Island Natural History Survey
- Ballard Property in Portsmouth, a large parcel of land on Prudence Island with Pine Barren habitat (PDF)
Source: Rhode Island Conservation Stewardship Collaborative - Bradner Preserve in Richmond, a 63-acre parcel with a combination deciduous and mixed forest, ATV issues and trail stream crossings (PDF)
Source: Rhode Island Conservation Stewardship Collaborative - Hopkins Property in Foster, a 25-acre parcel with riverine habitat and a trail system (PDF)
Source: Rhode Island Conservation Stewardship Collaborative - Ray Preserve in Westerly, a 15-acre parcel on the barrier beach side of Winnapaug Pond (PDF)
Source: Rhode Island Conservation Stewardship Collaborative