Housing & Conservation

Housing & Conservation

Housing & Conservation
- The Rhode Island Housing and Conservation Trust Fund: A Sound Investment for Rhode Island’s Future (PDF)
Source: The Rhode Island Housing and Conservation Trust Study Commission - House Bill 5310: Relating to State Affairs and Government — Rhode Island Housing and Conservation Trust Fund Act (PDF) Stay tuned for the Senate companion bill!
Source: State of Rhode Island General Assembly - 2023 Housing Fact Book (PDF)
Source: HousingWorksRI - Breaking Ground: An Affordable Housing Resource Guide for Land Trusts (website)
Source: Land Trust Alliance
- Annotated list of articles, reports, tools and organizations related
to conservation and affordable housing (website)
Source: David Hindin, Environmental Protection Agency - Affordable Housing and Conservation Collaboration: Opportunities & Examples (PDF)
Source: Land Trust Alliance
Resources from Vermont:
- Reflections on Creating Housing & Conserving Land in Vermont (PDF)
Source: Vermont Housing & Conservation Board - Integrating Food Access & Affordable Housing (PDF)
Source: Vermont Housing & Conservation Board