Management Plans

Management Plans

Management Plans
- A standard protocol and guidelines for developing management plans for conserved lands developed by the Conservation Stewardship Collaborative. (PDF)
Source: Rhode Island Conservation Stewardship Collaborative - An example of a BDR and management plan following RI CSC guidelines. This plan is for the Noyes Neck Farm Property in Westerly. (PDF)
Source: Rhode Island Conservation Stewardship Collaborative - An example of a BDR and management plan following RI CSC guidelines. This plan is for the Pelloni Diamond Hill Property in Hopkinton. (PDF)
Source: Rhode Island Conservation Stewardship Collaborative - Developing Management Plans for Conservation Lands: A presentation from The 2015 Land and Water Conservation Summit by Linda Steere Carol Lynn Trocki (PDF)
- A Landowner’s Guide to New England Cottontail Habitat Management (PDF)
Source: Environmental Defense Fund - RI Woods: Your Online Resource for RI Woodlots Information (website)
- Basic components of a management plan as required by the MA Open Space Grant program (PDF)
Source: Common Pasture - State Wildlife Action Plan (website)
Source: RI Department of Environmental Management - Selecting Plants for Pollinators: A Regional Guide for Farmers, Land Managers, and Gardeners In the Eastern Broadleaf Forest Oceanic Province (website)
Sources: North American Pollinator Protection Campaign, Pollinator Partnership - List of Fish and Wildlife Habitat Management Leaflets: Introductory guidance on managing ecosystems and improving habitat for specific species. (website)
Source: Natural Resources Conservation Service - Stewardship Plans for Conservation Sites by James Gass and Jonathan Twining, a presentation from the 2008 Land and Water Conservation Summit – Includes section on Management Plans: sample goals, objectives, and what to include (PDF)