Model Documents

Model Documents

Model Documents
Rhode Island Land Trust Council has worked with partners to develop a library of model documents and accompanying commentary to assist people and land conservation organizations with land conservation projects and stewardship of protected properties.
Models for Baseline Documentation Reports and Monitoring Reports were developed as a project funded by the RI Conservation Stewardship Collaborative endowment at the Rhode Island Foundation. Protocols for Baseline Documents and Monitoring Reports are below.
Model Conservation Easement and Commentary. The Connecticut Land Conservation Council developed a Model Conservation Easement and Commentary in 2014 and updated it in 2019. Connecticut Land Conservation Council and the attorney who led the work on the Connecticut Model generously allowed the RI Land Trust Council to adapt their models for Rhode Island. The modifications of Connecticut’s models were drafted by Rhode Island attorneys with extensive experience drafting conservation easements. The RI Land Trust Council thanks the Connecticut Land Conservation Council, their Model Conservation Easement Working Group and the RI Model Easement Working Group for making these model documents possible. Note that changes in tax laws and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) interpretations and rulings are frequent. Please review the model language carefully and always consult with your attorney when drafting a conservation easement and for other guidance.
Click on links below to access documents. Please contact Kate at ksayles@rilandtrusts.org for Word version of the model conservation easement.